Places of the Iron Curtain

Devínske Jazero

Devínske Jazero

original headquarters of the 7th Border Guard Company in Devínske Jazero. The picture shows a garage for the warning patrol vehicle. The fence surrounding the company headquarters in Devínske Jazero is located only a few metres from the state border.

entrance to company headquarters. “Warning! State Border” signs were located at hundreds of locations along the Austrian border.

border guard seals on the entrance to company headquarters. Seal imprint with the Czechoslovak Border Guard symbol.

torso of the signal wall and the original fence surrounding the company headquarters, which was a part of the signal wall system, i.e. the Iron Curtain.

gate in the headquarters fence with original lock protector. This segment of the signal wall and the gate are among of the last standing remains of the Iron Curtain in Slovakia.